MEGA QUIZ- 1 (20 to 30)


MEGA QUIZ- 1 (20 to 30)

  1. Gunter’s chain is also known as?

  1.  Engineers Chain 

  2. Surveyors chain

  3. Angular Chain 

  4. Aquaculture Chain

source - wikipedia 

Gunter's chain is also known as the "Surveyors chain." It is a measuring instrument used in surveying and land measurement. Gunter's chain consists of a series of 100 links, each measuring 7.92 inches (20.12 cm) in length, with a total length of 66 feet (20.1168 meters). It was developed by English mathematician and surveyor Edmund Gunter in the early 17th century and became a widely used tool in surveying until it was largely replaced by more modern measurement methods. The Surveyors chain is used to measure distances on the ground with reasonable accuracy and is still sometimes used in specific contexts or for historical purposes.

  1. Among the following instrument is used in measuring angles?

  1.  Sextant 

  2.  Theodolite

  3.  Both 

  4.  Compass

Both the sextant and the theodolite are instruments used in measuring angles. 

1. Sextant:

A sextant is a navigational instrument used to measure the angle between two objects, typically the horizon and a celestial body such as the sun or stars. It consists of a small telescope, a graduated arc, and a movable arm or index mirror. By aligning the object being observed with the horizon and reflecting its image onto the index mirror, the angle can be read from the graduated arc.

2. Theodolite:

A theodolite is a surveying instrument used for measuring both horizontal and vertical angles. It is commonly used in construction, engineering, and land surveying. The theodolite consists of a telescope mounted on a tripod with a graduated circle or horizontal and vertical scales. By rotating the telescope and observing the angles indicated on the scales, precise measurements of horizontal and vertical angles can be obtained.

The compass, on the other hand, is not primarily used for measuring angles. It is a navigational instrument that indicates direction relative to the Earth's magnetic field and is commonly used for navigation and orientation.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is "Both" the sextant and the theodolite are instruments used in measuring angles.

  1. It is the last reading taken on a rod held on a point of unknown elevations?

  1. Back Sight 

  2. Fore Sight

  3.  First Point 

  4. Last point

The last reading taken on a rod held on a point of unknown elevation is called a foresight. A foresight is a minus sight, which means that it is subtracted from the height of instrument to determine the elevation of the point on which the rod is held.

A backsight is a plus sight, which means that it is added to the elevation of the point on which the rod is held to determine the height of instrument.

The first point in a leveling survey is called the benchmark. The benchmark is a point of known elevation, such as a concrete monument or a brass disk set in a wall. The benchmark is used to establish the height of instrument for the leveling survey.

The last point in a leveling survey is called the **turning point**. The turning point is a point at which the leveling instrument is set up and leveled to take a foresight to the next benchmark.

  1. Size of the Sand particles is .............

  1.  <0.002mm 

  2. 0.002 to 0.02 mm

  3. 0.02 to 2 mm 

  4. >2 mm

source - researchgate

The size of sand particles typically falls within the range of 0.02 to 2 mm. 

Sand is classified as a granular material, and its particle size is intermediate between silt (smaller particles) and gravel (larger particles). The size of sand particles can vary, but they generally range from 0.02 mm (fine sand) to 2 mm (coarse sand).

To provide further context, here are the commonly recognized size classifications for sand particles:

  1. Very fine sand: <0.06 mm
  2. Fine sand: 0.06 - 0.2 mm
  3. Medium sand: 0.2 - 0.6 mm
  4. Coarse sand: 0.6 - 2 mm

It's important to note that there may be variations in size classifications and terminology used in different fields or regions. The mentioned range of 0.02 to 2 mm represents the typical size range for sand particles in a general context.

  1. …..% of total area of fish farm is used in preparing a Stocking pond?

  1.  5% 

  2. 10%

  3. 20% 

  4.  75%

  1. Dinobryon (Protozoan)……….. odour to water?

  1.  Strong grassy 

  2. Mild grassy

  3. Muddy

  4. Fishy

source - wikipedia

  1. Sewage contains ……% of inorganic matter?

  1. 1% 

  2. 70%

  3. 99% 

  4. 30%

Sewage typically contains around 30% of inorganic matter. Inorganic matter in sewage refers to substances that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds and are derived from non-living sources. This includes minerals, metals, salts, and other inorganic compounds that may be present in wastewater. The exact percentage of inorganic matter can vary depending on the composition of the sewage and the specific sources of wastewater.

  1. …………… it is the part of sewage which is settled at the bottom?

  1. Sewage 

  2. Sulage

  3. Sludge 

  4. None

The part of sewage that settles at the bottom is called "sludge." 

Sludge refers to the solid or semisolid residue that settles out during the wastewater treatment process. It consists of the suspended solids, organic matter, and other particles that are present in the sewage. Sludge is separated from the liquid portion of the sewage and undergoes further treatment, such as thickening, digestion, and dewatering, to reduce its volume and stabilize its contents.

The process of settling sludge involves gravity settling or sedimentation, where the heavier particles settle to the bottom of a settling tank or clarifier. The settled sludge is then removed and transferred to treatment processes for further processing or disposal.

  1. Simazine is a?

  1.  Herbicide 

  2. Rodenticide

  3. Molluscicide 

  4. Bactericides

source - wikipedia

Simazine is a herbicide. 

Herbicides are chemicals used to control or eliminate unwanted plants, commonly known as weeds. Simazine is specifically classified as a selective triazine herbicide. It is commonly used in agricultural and horticultural settings to control broadleaf weeds and grasses in crops such as corn, sorghum, sugarcane, and citrus orchards.

Simazine works by inhibiting photosynthesis in plants, leading to their growth inhibition and eventual death. It is typically applied to the soil or foliage of target plants and is absorbed by the roots or leaves, subsequently translocating throughout the plant.

It's important to note that simazine, like other herbicides, should be used according to the instructions and regulations provided by regulatory agencies and manufacturers to ensure proper application and minimize environmental impacts.

  1. ……….. is present in the medicated shampoos?

  1. Lindane 

  2.  PCBs

  3.  POPs 

  4.  Drins

source - wikipedia

Lindane is a chemical compound that has been used in some medicated shampoos for the treatment of lice and scabies. It is an organochlorine insecticide that can effectively kill and control parasites such as head lice and mites that cause scabies. However, it is important to note that the use of lindane in medicated shampoos has been restricted or banned in many countries due to its potential toxicity and environmental concerns.

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), POPs (persistent organic pollutants), and drins (such as DDT) are not typically present in medicated shampoos. These compounds belong to a different class of chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants, which have been widely restricted or banned due to their environmental persistence and potential adverse effects on human health.

It's important to always refer to the specific ingredients and instructions provided by the manufacturer of a medicated shampoo to understand the active ingredients and their intended use.

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