QUIZ 117 - 26/4 (solution)

 QUIZ 117 - 26/4 (solution)

  1. Basic units of universe consisting of stars are called:

  1.  Galaxies 

  2.  Auroras 

  3.  Globe 

  4. Ionosphere 

source - space

The basic units of the universe consisting of stars are called galaxies. Galaxies are large systems of stars, gas, dust, and other matter bound together by gravity. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from small dwarf galaxies with just a few million stars to massive elliptical galaxies with trillions of stars.

The study of galaxies is an important field of astronomy, as they offer clues to the evolution of the universe and the formation of stars and planets. Observations of galaxies have helped astronomers to understand the structure and composition of the universe, and have led to the discovery of many important astrophysical phenomena, such as black holes and dark matter.

There are many different types of galaxies, including spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is a barred spiral galaxy that contains over 100 billion stars.

  1. The solid part of earth is called:

  1. Lithosphere

  2.  Troposphere 

  3.  Ionosphere 

  4. Stratosphere

source - national geographic society

The solid part of the Earth is called the lithosphere. The lithosphere is the outermost layer of the Earth, composed of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. It is the part of the Earth that we interact with directly, and it is where all life on Earth is supported.

The lithosphere is made up of several large plates that float on the underlying mantle. These plates move and interact with each other, causing geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountains.

The lithosphere is also important for the study of geology, as it contains a record of the Earth's geological history, including evidence of past climate change, geological events, and the evolution of life on Earth.

  1. TIROS is 

  1. Weather satellite 

  2. Weather balloon 

  3. Cloud factor 

  4. Radio wave

source - TIROS

TIROS (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) is a type of weather satellite. It was one of the first weather satellites launched into orbit, with the first TIROS satellite being launched in 1960. The TIROS program was developed by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to monitor weather patterns and provide more accurate weather forecasts.

The TIROS satellites were equipped with cameras and other sensors that could observe cloud patterns, atmospheric temperatures, and other weather-related phenomena. The images and data gathered by the satellites were transmitted back to Earth and used by meteorologists to create weather forecasts and track severe weather events.

The TIROS program was an important milestone in the development of weather forecasting, as it provided the first global view of weather patterns and helped to improve our understanding of how the Earth's atmosphere works. Today, weather satellites like TIROS continue to play a critical role in monitoring weather patterns and providing early warnings for severe weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters.

  1. Organisms tolerating wide range of pressures are known as

  1. Euyhaline 

  2. Stenohaline 

  3. Eurybaric 

  4. Stenobathic

Organisms that are capable of tolerating a wide range of pressures are known as eurybaric. This term is used to describe organisms that are able to adapt to a variety of different pressure environments, including both high and low pressures.

Eurybaric organisms are typically found in environments where pressure can vary widely, such as in the deep ocean, where pressure can range from a few atmospheres to hundreds of atmospheres. Some examples of eurybaric organisms include certain species of deep-sea fish, such as the snailfish, as well as certain types of invertebrates, like octopuses and squid.

In contrast, stenobathic organisms are those that are adapted to a narrow range of pressures, and may be unable to survive in environments with significantly different pressure levels. The terms euryhaline and stenohaline, on the other hand, refer to an organism's ability to tolerate a wide or narrow range of salinity, respectively.

  1. Lunar period is the duration of

  1. 30 days 

  2. 27 days 

  3. 60 days 

  4. 90 days

source - wikipedia

The lunar period, also known as the synodic period, is the duration of the lunar phases. It is the time it takes for the moon to return to the same phase (for example, from full moon to full moon). 

The lunar period is approximately 29.5 days, which is why lunar months are commonly considered to be 29 or 30 days long. However, the actual length of a lunar month can vary slightly due to the gravitational influences of the sun and other celestial bodies on the moon's orbit. On average, the lunar period is about 27.3 days when measured from one point in space to the same point again.

  1. Aerial roots are present in

  1. Mangroves 

  2. salt marsh 

  3. sea weeds 

  4. sea grasses

source - study.com

Aerial roots are present in mangroves. Mangroves are trees or shrubs that grow in coastal saline or brackish water environments. They have the unique ability to adapt to the harsh conditions of these environments, including the high salinity, low oxygen levels, and unstable soils.

One adaptation that mangroves have developed is the ability to produce aerial roots that extend above the surface of the water. These roots help the plant to obtain oxygen from the air, which is necessary for respiration, and also provide structural support in the unstable soils. Additionally, aerial roots can help to filter out salt from the water that the mangrove plant absorbs, helping to prevent salt build-up in the plant's tissues.

  1. Baleen whales belong to the order 

  1.  Odontoceti 

  2. Mysticeti 

  3. Pinnipidia 

  4. Sirenia

Baleen whales belong to the order Mysticeti. Mysticeti, also known as the baleen whales, are a group of marine mammals that have a series of overlapping plates called baleen plates instead of teeth. These whales use their baleen plates to filter small crustaceans, plankton, and small fish from the water as they feed.

Baleen whales include some of the largest animals on Earth, such as the blue whale, humpback whale, and gray whale. They are found in oceans around the world and are important members of the marine ecosystem.

  1. Zooplankton are

  1.  Primary producers 

  2. Consumers 

  3. Benthos

  4.  Nekton

source - biology dictionary

Zooplankton are consumers. They are a group of small, drifting animals that live in aquatic environments, including oceans, lakes, and rivers. Zooplankton feed on other smaller planktonic organisms, such as phytoplankton and bacteria, and they are themselves an important food source for larger aquatic animals, such as fish, whales, and jellyfish.

Zooplankton are an important part of the marine and freshwater food chains, and their abundance and diversity can have a significant impact on the overall health and productivity of aquatic ecosystems. Some examples of zooplankton include copepods, krill, and jellyfish larvae.

  1. Neries sp. is commonly called as 

  1.  barnacle 

  2. rag worm 

  3. dolphin 

  4. mangrove

source - wikipedia

Neries sp. is commonly called as rag worm. Ragworms are a group of marine polychaete worms that are commonly found in intertidal zones and shallow waters. They are known for their distinctive, bristly appearance, which is due to the numerous chaetae, or bristles, that cover their bodies. 

Ragworms are an important part of the marine food web, serving as prey for many species of fish, birds, and other marine animals. They are also used as bait in recreational and commercial fishing. The common name "rag worm" may refer to several different species in the genus Nereis, which are found in oceans around the world.

  1. Zooxanthellae is present only in

  1. Hermatypic corals 

  2. Ahermatypic corals 

  3. Gorgonids 

  4. None

source - freepik

Zooxanthellae are present only in hermatypic, or reef-building, corals. These tiny, single-celled algae live inside the tissues of the coral polyps and are essential to the coral's survival. The zooxanthellae provide the coral with energy through photosynthesis, which helps the coral build its calcium carbonate skeleton and grow.

In exchange, the coral provides the zooxanthellae with a protected environment, nutrients, and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. This symbiotic relationship is critical to the survival of coral reefs, as the loss of zooxanthellae can cause coral bleaching and death. Ahermatypic corals and gorgonians do not have zooxanthellae present in their tissues.

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