whitetail dascyllus or humbug damselfish

 About "whitetail dascyllus or humbug damselfish"

📍Kingdom:- Animalia

📍Phylum:- Chordata

📍Class:- Actinopterygii

📍Family:- Pomacentridae

📍Genus:- Dascyllus

📍Species:- D. aruanus

📍Binomial name:- Dascyllus aruanus

👉Dascyllus aruanus, known commonly as the whitetail dascyllus or humbug damselfish among other vernacular names, is a species of marine fish in the family Pomacentridae.

👉Whitetail dascyllus is up to 10 centimetres (3.9 in) in length but its common size is 6 centimetres (2.4 in) and is white with three black vertical bars.

👉Associated with coral reefs, most usually in groups above Acropora coral heads.

👉Males may be aggressive against other fish while they tend eggs.

👉Whitetail dascyllus is widespread throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, Red Sea included.

👉However, the species has recently been split with D. aruanus found in the Pacific and Forsskål's 1775 name Dascyllus abudafur being resurrected for the Red Sea and Indian Ocean populations.

👉They are called aquarium 'Starter fish' as they are quite tolerant of variable conditions and aid in conditioning the tank environment for less hardy fish.

👉 These fish have been reared in captivity.

👉They can be territorial with other fish.

#fishlib #biodiversity #study #marinelife #ocean #ornamentalfish #aquarium #taxonomy #zoology 

📷:- https://in.pinterest.com/pin/437764026278109821/


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