twospot rasbora

 About "twospot rasbora"

📍Kingdom:- Animalia

📍Phylum:- Chordata

📍Class:- Actinopterygii

📍Order:- Cypriniformes

📍Family:- Cyprinidae

📍Subfamily:- Danioninae

📍Genus:- Rasbora

📍Species:- R. elegans

📍Binomial name:- Rasbora elegans

👉The twospot rasbora (Rasbora elegans) is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Rasbora.

✈ORIGINS:- Southeast Asia, on the Malay Peninsula, and

southward to Sumatra and Borneo.

✈SIZE:- 8 in (20 cm).

✈DIET:- Flake and livefoods.

✈WATER Temperature:- 72–77°F (22–25°C); soft (50 mg/l)

and acidic (pH 6.0–6.5).

✈TEMPERAMENT:- Peaceful and social.

👉Elegant Rasboras display three black areas on each side of the body.

👉The body itself is greenish-brown above and silvery below.

👉Females can be recognized when spawning approaches, because they become paler than the males and their bodies swell with eggs.

👉They spawn in typical rasbora fashion, with the young requiring special fry food or infusoria once they are free-swimming.

👉Elegant Rasboras will rarely reach their maximum size in home aquariums.

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