four stripe damselfish or blacktail dascyllus

 About "four stripe damselfish or blacktail dascyllus"

📍Kingdom:- Animalia

📍Phylum:- Chordata

📍Class:- Actinopterygii

📍Family:- Pomacentridae

📍Genus:- Dascyllus

📍Species:- D. melanurus

📍Binomial name:- 

Dascyllus melanurus

👉Dascyllus melanurus, known commonly as the four stripe damselfish, blacktail dascyllus, humbug damselfish, blacktail damselfish, and blacktail humbug, is a species of fish in the family Pomacentridae.

👉It is native to the western Pacific Ocean.

👉It is sometimes kept as an aquarium pet.

👉The four striped damselfish is commonly found in Indo-Australian Archipelago and western Caroline Islands including Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, and the northern Great Barrier Reef of Australia.

👉They are found at depths down to 33 feet, and it is associated with isolated coral heads in sheltered inshore habitats.

👉Like all damselfish, they can be territorial and aggressive, especially as they get older.

👉Four-striped Damselfish typically grow to about three or four inches.

👉The less common species name is Dascyllus melanurus.

👉They are also omnivores, eating anything ranging from algae to small fish or shrimp.

👉Three alternating black and white vertical bands make up the body coloration with a fourth black band ending at the tail.

👉It travels in schools.

👉It feeds on fish eggs, crustacean larvae, algae, ostracods, amphipods, copepods, and tunicates.


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