Scientific name and common name of fishes found at different market
" Scientific name and common name of fishes found at different market" Scientific Name is in Italic word . Trade Name is in bold word . Local Name is in normal word . 1. Otolithes cuvieri Lesser tooth croaker (Silver dhoma) Source:- Fishbase 2. Chirocentrus dorab Silver bar Dai Source:- Fishbase 3. Caranax sexfasciatus Dusky travelly Nariyella Source:- Fishbase 4. Formio niger Black pomfret Halvo Source:- Fishbase 5. Lepturacanthus savala Silver ribbonfish Silver baga Source:- Fishbase 6. Cynoglossus lingua Long tongue sole Moti jibh Source :- Fishbase 7. Harpodon nehereus Bombay duck Bumala Source:- Fishbase 8. Lethrinus ornatus Ornate emperor bream Dhamil Source:- Fishbase 9. Psettodes erumiei Indian halibut Hariyo Source:- Fishbase 10. Rachycentron canadum Cobia Sakaro ...