
Showing posts from April, 2020

fishing problem

Fishing problems: Destructive fishing practices   Many fishing practices are destructive to delicate habitats - particularly vital fish breeding grounds like coral reefs and sea grass. 1. Bottom trawling 2. Cyanide fishing 3. Dynamite fishing 4. Ghost fishing 1.Bottom trawling Bottom trawling Bottom trawling destroys far more ocean habitat than any other fishing practice on the West Coast. In this fishing method, large weighted nets are dragged across the ocean floor, clear-cutting a swath of habitat in their wake. Some of these scars will take centuries to heal. bottom trawling reduces the complexity, productivity, and biodiversity of benthic habitats--damage is most severe in areas with corals and sponges. The damage from bottom trawling is not limited to habitat destruction. As the net drags along the seafloor, all creatures in its path—fish, animals, marine mammals, plants, and turtles—are scooped up along the way.